American national parks

Park rules

You must stay calm.

You must respect nature / the environment.

You must respect the rules.

You must walk together in groups of three people or more.

You must a map so you don't get lost.

You must read the signs.

You must alert the ranger in case of danger.

You must read the signs.

You mustn't be aggressive to animals.

You mustn't throw rocks on animals.

You mustn't write on the cave walls.

You mustn't light campfires.

You mustn't touch animals.

You mustn't scare animals.

You mustn't hunt animals.

You mustn't shout.

You mustn't wander off.

You mustn't smoke.

You mustn't eat in the park.

You mustn't leave rubbish / litter.

You mustn't throw rubbish / litter.