Dawn of robots


Sonny is tall, intelligent, stronger and faster than the other robots. He has blue eyes and is mad of white plastic and wires. He features in I-robot.

C3PO is a droid. He is polite and helpful but he's fearful. He looks like a human but he is golden. He is taller than the other robots and he can speak many languages. He features in Star Wars.

Eve is a very small female robot. She has big blue eyes and is made of white plastic. She can fly. She is quite aggresive but at the end she is nicer. She features in Wall-e.

BB8 is a droid. It is made of white, orange and silver metal. It has no arms and no legs. It is as small as Eve. It's less sophisticated than the other robots but it is as clever as them.


  • A = B (aussi que) :

as + adj + as

  • A > B (plus que):

adj + er + than

  • A < B (moins que):

less + adj + than
