Unit 3 - Happy Halloween

1.Imprime le doc Halloween prépositions et note la préposition

Si pas d'imprimante, numérote dans ton cahier de 1 à 6 , puis écris la bonne préposition

2. regarde la vidéo pour mémoriser les prépositions

3.Redécris l'image d'hier ( ci-dessous) cette fois-ci en situant les éléments


5.Fais les 2 exercices intéractifs ( ci dessous)

Halloween Prepositions


This is a haunted house. There are monsters everywhere.

There is a werewolf on the roof.

There are 3 mummies: one mummy is on the roof, one mummy is in front of the house and one mummy is between the haunted house and the scarecrow.

There is a scarecrow next to the mummy.

There is a vampire in a coffin.

There is a witch on a broom, in front of the moon.

There are 2 ghosts behind the house.

There is a skeleton in the house.

There are 4 jack'o'lanterns: 2 jack o lantern are in front of the gravestone, 2 jack o lanterns are in front of the coffin.

There are 2 gravestones in front of the tree.

There is an owl on the gravestone.

There are 2 spiders in the house.

There are 6 bats above the haunted house.

There is a tree next to the haunted house.

There is a coffin next to the hand..

There is a hand between the mummy and the vampire.

Description: Prepositions of places (lesson 4)
Revise prepositions of places and write sentences.
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